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Morning Recovery, the drink that cures the hangover

There are many remedies for a hangover. Korean pear and coconut water, among others, are part of the non-exhaustive list of foods with almost magical virtues that would get us back on our feet the day after a drunken evening. Recently, however, these natural tricks have been abandoned in order to design lozenges and beverages filled with vitamins and other supplements capable of eliminating nasty headaches in the blink of an eye. After Flyby, a pill designed by a New Yorker at the start of the year, it is Morning Recovery (morning recovery in VF) which is about to make a strong entry into the market. Developed by Sisun Lee, a former product manager at Uber, the liquid contains a secret element:dihydromyricetin (DHM), a substance extracted from the Chinese grape. The component is able to destroy ethanal, a toxin produced in the liver after consuming alcohol, and reduce its effects on brain neurotransmitters.

A successful fundraising campaign

The result ? Less stomach pain and no headache the next day! Morning Recovery also contains milk thistle, vitamin B, prickly pear and taurine. The creator had the idea to develop such a product after a stay in Korea, where there is a real market for drinks that cure hangovers (which generates 126 million dollars every year!). “When I was there, I had no idea what those drinks were made of. They are very popular, my local friends used to buy them before a night out. I tried them, and the next day I woke up feeling great “, he explains to the site Mashable . And the young man did not hesitate to give of his person in order to create the perfect drink:“ Last February, I was drunk about 15 days out of 30. I wrote down everything I drank, everything i ate “, he continues. Once the formula was established, Sisun Lee created a fundraising campaign on Indiegogo, and the result exceeded his expectations:some 170,000 dollars were raised out of the 25,000 planned.

When we know that, still according to Mashable, alcohol is responsible for a loss of productivity at work which is estimated at 179 billion dollars each year in the United States, we say to ourselves that Morning Recovery can have many positive effects... Would you be tempted to try it?