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"I don't feel well":the 1st natural reflexes against cold snap

There are reflex gestures to put in place as soon as a cold points the tip of his nose. In particular, they help to stop the infection and can avoid going through the doctor's box!

When the nose starts to run…

First reflex (admittedly unsavory):look at the color of the flow.

If the discharge is "watery", it means that the infection is not yet established, it is a response to temperature changes. If it is associated with tearing, it is the very beginning of an infection.

> To do:buy homeopathic nasal sprays at the pharmacy. And inhale essential oil essences of lemon or tangerine put on a handkerchief or in a bowl of hot water. But also:clean your nasal passages with medicinal seawater, in the form of ampoules or spray (in pharmacies).

If the discharge is yellowish, it is a sign of a viral infection that could become superinfected.

> To do:in addition to seawater washes, inhale ravintsara essential oil (Cinnamomun camphora ) placed on a handkerchief. At the same time, use trace element sprays containing silver, found in pharmacies.

If the discharge is greenish, it is a sign of a confirmed localized bacterial infection (without fever), and not generalized (with fever).

> To do:ask at the pharmacy for essential oil complexes provided for this purpose, which you will inhale on a handkerchief. Then swallow through the nose (yes yes) one ampoule per nostril of silver trace element in colloidal suspension> ask your pharmacist for them. This will line the nostril and the back of the throat with this trace element whose properties are anti-inflammatory and anti-infectious (just be careful not to buy "silver nitrate", which burns).

Otherwise, to fight naturally against squatting sinusitis, buy, still in pharmacies, ampoules of black radish juice and drink one ampoule diluted in a glass of lemon juice, midday and evening (contraindicated if you have stones in the gallbladder).

In case of chills and heavy head

Instead of waiting to be bedridden, take the bull by the horns. From the first symptoms, and wherever you are:drink a hot lemon juice (if you are outside go to a cafe and order this). Add – ideally – cinnamon and leave to infuse for a few minutes.

> If you have a fever:add 4 cloves and thyme to this preparation. Let everything simmer for 7 minutes, filter and drink very hot, without adding sugar which "feeds" the infection (prefer honey if you really need to sweeten).

Sometimes a single dose is enough to stop the infection. If you still feel edge , drink 3 cups a day for 2 / 3 days.

To read to go further:Treat all year round naturally, advice from a doctor for the whole family , Doctor Jean-Christophe Charrié and Marie-Laure de Clermont-Tonnerre, Prat editions.