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Get in shape:some bodybuilding exercises to do at home

Exercises for a flat and muscular stomach

The flat stomach is usually the obsession of women who struggle with their small belly during the fitness program. To no longer have a plump belly but beautiful abs, you must perform two types of exercises several times a week. To see results, it is essential to be very regular in your bodybuilding sessions. The first exercise is the vertebral roll-up which works the lower part of the abdominals. It involves lying on your back, arms on the floor and legs bent on your chest. Once in this position, you must take off the pelvis and surround the lower back. Always remember to exhale and inhale during each movement. The ideal is to do six sets of 20 repetitions. The second exercise is "tilt and flexion rotation" to work the large and small obliques. You have to lie on your back and bend your legs. Then, do diagonals, that is, raise your upper body so that your right elbow touches the top of your knee. And vice versa.

Fitness for buttocks and legs on top

Working the abdominals is good but not enough to really get back in shape! You can't have a chocolate bar with a limp butt and legs. For slender legs, one of the best bodybuilding exercises is to lean against a wall, with your back flat, your legs bent at 90° and your arms alongside your body. Contract your stomach and hold this so-called chair position for 30 to 40 seconds. Repeat this exercise as many times as you can. If your thighs are burning, rest assured, everything is normal. You can also do flexion-extension work which will allow you to work many muscles such as the quadriceps, the adductors, the glutes and the hamstrings. The exercise is very simple because you just have to bend your legs and raise your arms in front. The ideal is to do four sets of 20 repetitions.

Strength training for the upper body

Never skip upper body strength training, especially the breasts! What is ideal is to do push-ups. Remember, your dad made it every Sunday morning when you were little. Push-ups are great for building your large pecs, triceps, shoulders, and back. Think about your swimsuit and your high necklines in the back! Do as many push-ups as you can and don't get discouraged if you have a lot of difficulty at first. You can also work the pecs by performing lying spreads with small dumbbells. It's best to try out all of these exercises and find out what works best for you. Exercising three times a week is the ideal frequency to see the benefits quickly. You can also go on a little diet.