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Job:doing a job you don't like, harder for morale than unemployment

For the unemployed, the wait before finding a job seems endless. It is difficult to feel good during this period and one would be tempted to think that any job will be better than none at all. And yet … in terms of well-being, being unemployed would be better than having a job you don’t like. In any case, this is the conclusion reached by Stephan Bevan, director of the Center for Worker Efficiency and professor at the University of Lancaster (United Kingdom). For him, there is a clear link between doing a good job and the state of our mental health. Therefore, accepting a job that does not suit us, for lack of anything better, is an option to avoid.

Doing a job you love, the key to happiness?

The professor wanted to make things clear:obviously, being unemployed has a (very) negative impact on health, social relations, self-esteem, dignity, not to mention the disastrous financial impact that this situation entails. Taking measures to lower the unemployment rate is therefore an excellent initiative, provided that everyone finds a job they enjoy. So it's true that it may seem a bit idealistic, but according to an Australian study, the mental health of people who have found a job they liked after a period of unemployment would improve significantly. Conversely, people who found a job they did not like were found to have worse mental health than those who were still unemployed. In short, according to Stephan Bevan, for top mental health and optimized performance at work, it is necessary to have a job that you like!

Well, it remains to be seen how to reconcile this information with a difficult labor market...