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Fat shaming has health consequences

Humiliation, mockery, insults… The psychological impact of fat shaming, which refers to the fact of belittling an overweight person, is well established. New fact:this practice would not only have consequences from a mental point of view. According to a study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania and published in the medical journal Obesity , fat shaming would also have repercussions on the health of those who suffer it.

Respect and delicacy

To demonstrate this, the researchers interviewed 159 adults with obesity to assess the extent to which they were stigmatized because of their weight. Participants were then given a medical check-up. Results ? Those who faced these discriminations were three times more likely to develop metabolic syndrome and six times more likely to have higher than average triglyceride levels. “Locals can play a crucial role (…) by treating patients with respect, raising the issue of weight with delicacy and without judgment, by supporting and encouraging patients who are going through this ordeal”, explains Professor Tom Wadden, co -author of the study.

Details that seem obvious, which are nevertheless good to remember when we see the worrying rise of body shaming on social networks...