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Tartiflette, raclette, fondue:which of these dishes has the lowest calories?

A must-have as soon as the cold kicks in, this trio of cheese-based dishes is what we are all looking forward to. We abandon barbecue evenings to prepare good gourmet raclettes with friends. As comforting as these dishes are, they also make the numbers on the scale go up really fast. If they immerse us in a mountain atmosphere , and see each other in front of a fire at a cottage, they often end up having us write "diet" on our New Year's resolutions. Between the tartiflette, raclette, fondue , discover the dish that does not leave too many traces of its passage.

Tartiflette, raclette, fondue:what is our ally

We all agree that the raclette is definitely in our top 1 this season, right? However, it is she who causes the most damage. Despite being the star of the moment, raclette is however the highest calorie dish out of the three . We will therefore enjoy it with great moderation to avoid regret (it will remain our favorite.) In second position , the fondue . This block of love comes to us from Savoie. With its white wine, potatoes or bread croutons and without forgetting the cheese, it is still less caloric than the raclette. To the delight of our taste buds, it's the tartiflette which is the lowest calorie dish of the 3 . Proof that Reblochon never disappoints us, with its mixture of potatoes and bacon bits, this is a dish you can enjoy without feeling guilty. Obviously, these three comfort foods fit perfectly into a healthy lifestyle. No need to deprive yourself of it, you just have to know not to abuse it!

Tartiflette, raclette, fondue:how to lighten them up

To enjoy it without feeling too guilty, it is possible topimp up our favorite dishes a little and lighten them . For example, for the tartiflette , opt for turkey bacon . Opt for light, low-fat cream , and serve yourself small quantities that you will accompany with salad to fill your stomach. For the fondue , you can swap your pieces of bread or potato for vegetables . Thus, you will combine gluttony and full of fiber! Finally, for the raclette , there are several options. Use turkey or chicken deli meats. Richer in protein and good fats, they will bring flavor and lightness to your dish. Go for vegetables . Eggplant, zucchini and peppers go perfectly with the sweetness of raclette cheese. Buy your cheese from a real cheesemonger. So you can ask him to make much thinner slices than those sold in supermarkets. Finally, do not add any other starches s and do not exceed 6 cheeses melted!