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Losing weight:which Christmas log is the least fattening? (To have fun without feeling guilty!)

The end of year celebrations are fast approaching, for our greatest happiness! However, this period is conducive to long and hearty meals, which are not always welcome if you pay attention to its size. But no need to deprive yourself on Christmas Eve . It is possible to enjoy yourself without gaining a gram, for this, eat on small plates, replace sugary drinks with green tea and, opt for a low-calorie log !

Weight loss:what is the lowest calorie Yule log?

The Yule log, essential for the festive table , comes to end the meal in apotheosis. But be careful not to choose a log with too many calories . Indeed, depending on the type of dessert you prefer, the slice of log alone can reach up to 670 calories ! This is what the famous author and nutritionist Jean-Michel Cohen has to say. , which compared two types of log and their composition.

The pastry log, which consists of a sponge cake and a praline butter cream, mixes all that is the most caloric, namely butter and sugar. A slice of this log then represents 670 calories ! Unlike, the chocolate glazed log or vanilla, has 350 calories . However, if you opt for a sorbet log, usually with fruit, the portion drops to only 140 calories ! There you have your big winner.