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Health:should we eat more when temperatures drop?

While some see winter as a fantastic time for end-of-year celebrations and ski holidays, for others it is above all a sign of cold, fatigue and winter depression. So, when you're not at the top, you often want to favor comforting seasonal dishes such as raclette, Savoyard fondue and tartiflette (yum), thinking that the effort made by the body to fight the cold "cancels out" the excess calories ingested. If the temptations are indeed greater with the arrival of low temperatures, should we give in to them without moderation? Well, the answer is no.

Diet and lifestyle

In winter, the body spends more of its energy to fight the cold and not get sick. To help it, good sleep, a bit of sport and a balanced diet are obviously the winning combination... But, is eating a balanced diet in cold weather the same as in summer? The answer varies depending on our lifestyle. Office work, heated apartments and suitable clothing make our daily lives much easier and the body fights the cold much less than before. Under these conditions, calorie expenditure is less significant and we only allow ourselves a small difference, or a spoonful more (without devouring the whole cheese)! On the other hand, if you work outdoors, you can afford a slightly fattier dish without feeling (too much) guilty, to be consumed in moderation all the same. To fight against the cold, it is better to focus on foods rich in vitamins, iron and fiber that will give our body all the energy it needs to stay healthy! To warm up, you can also have a good cup of herbal tea or green tea, good for the balanced diet and even for the brain!

Afterwards, nothing prohibits a little raclette from time to time... No, but oh!