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6 reasons to keep jogging in winter when it's cold

"No, I don't run in the winter, it's too cold," many of us repeat after being asked why they stop jogging once the summer is over. No more fake excuses! We put on a fleece and big socks and we go outside, and this for at least 6 good reasons:

1/ We burn more calories. Not much more, admittedly, but since our body needs more energy, it "consumes" more fuel. And keep that in mind, it's always good for morale!

2/ It's good for the heart. Doing cardio strengthens our heart and helps it better manage the cold! So, doing his sport when it's cold in addition, it makes him work even more. Like this, our heart will be more beautiful and stronger than ever. Yes!

3/ We take an extra dose of vitamin D. Instead of staying locked up at home, we take advantage of the sun a little more. Our health and morale will say "thank you".

4/ We become even more resistant to the cold. Yes, as we will be more used to it AND we will be in better health, we will shiver much less. And that's good…because we're very chilly!

5/ We avoid succumbing to winter depression. By forcing us to get some fresh air, to let off steam, releasing hormones of happiness, the annual spleen will pass over our heads. Not even scared!

6/ We will have less scruples about letting go of Christmas turkey and chocolate. And what's more, in the spring, we'll be super fit and our health will be made of steel! Perfect!