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To lose weight effectively, it would be necessary to bet on cold drinks rather than hot

Researchers from the Laboratory of Integrative Cardiovascular Physiology at the University of Friborg (Switzerland) have come to the conclusion that cold tea has more benefits than hot tea for effective weight loss. This is explained by the fact that the cold drink would stimulate twice as much energy expenditure, the rate at which we burn calories when we are at rest. And the higher the energy expenditure, the more calories you burn!

Link between fat oxidation and energy expenditure

To carry out this study, the scientists analyzed the data of 23 participants, 12 men and 11 women, aged on average 24 years. They were divided into two distinct groups, those who would ingest a drink tempered at around 3°C or one at 55°C. Thus, after drinking 500 mL of unsweetened hot or cold Yerba Mate tea (known for its slimming properties), the subjects in both groups settled comfortably for 30 to 90 minutes. Results ? After ingesting the drink and compared to hot tea, cold tea caused a decrease in heart rate, blood flow, and an increase in fat oxidation and energy expenditure. The increase in energy expenditure was even twice as great with cold tea (+8.3%) than with hot tea (+3.7%). Amazing isn't it? In any case now we will only bet on the cold!

However, the researchers point out that other experiments will be necessary to really assess the impact of unsweetened caffeinated herbal tea at a cold temperature on weight loss.