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House keeper or house sitting, a good plan for retired seniors

House keeper or house sitting, a good plan for retired seniors

Once retired, do you want to occupy your free time by rendering small services while most often enjoying a stay in a beautiful residence throughout France, or even abroad? So become house keepers and engage in house sitting! Even if you have a modest retirement, house sitting allows you to travel and discover new horizons, to make beautiful encounters with owners who will leave their house with you in complete confidence during their absence.

What is house sitting?

Modeled on the formula of baby sitting, that is to say having children looked after by a third party for a limited period of time, house sitting refers to the fact of having a house looked after during the time when its owners are absent. The house sitter not only keeps the house alive by occupying it as its owners would do, but he can also render small services by taking care of the family's pets, for example, by carrying out some small maintenance work ( watering, gardening, DIY, etc.).

A solution much appreciated by owners who can leave their residence to a third party while being reassured, firstly because their house continues to be maintained, but also in order to avoid the most common burglary attempts when a house is empty.

Seniors are highly valued as house keepers by those who practice house sitting. They are of course more available than assets and can therefore respond to security requests more easily.

Also because seniors most often inspire confidence in securing a home. This is why many house sitting companies, and in particular networking platforms, have specialized in house sitting by retirees. They thus ensure to offer to owners who wish to have their house guarded during their absence, senior house keepers selected for their seriousness (clean criminal record, motivation interview, etc.), often with already experience in house sitting, and also who have skills in the maintenance of the house.

The benefits of house sitting for retired seniors

Once retired, many seniors want to occupy their free time and give meaning to their lives by continuing to be active. Becoming a house sitter is a good solution for, on the one hand, still being of service, and, on the other hand, in particular when one has a modest retirement, to be able to escape from home at a lower cost. and discover regions of France or even go abroad perhaps for the first time.

House sitting is indeed a kind of temporary work (even if it is not paid work but voluntary work) which allows seniors to escape while rendering a service to owners who do not wish to leave their house. empty during their absence, or who need, in certain cases, that we take care of their dog, cat, etc.

Becoming a housekeeper is also a good way for seniors to meet new people, and why not make new friends. Indeed, owners delighted to have had their house looked after by retirees who took care of it are in most cases happy to call on the same house keepers over time, and relationships of trust are forged.

Offering its services within the framework of house sitting can also be synonymous for seniors with the possibility of benefiting from a moment of vacation outside their home and thus discovering new horizons without spending money since they are housed for free in exchange their reassuring presence and minor maintenance work.

For other senior house sitters, house sitting allows them to enjoy a house different from their own as if it were their second home, but without having to bear the financial burdens that such ownership entails.