Family Best Time >> Sports

What sports activity for your child?

It is generally not before his sixth year that a child can be introduced to sports disciplines:before the age of 6, it is more a question of a playful approach to the discipline.

Many opportunities are then offered to parents in terms of choosing this extracurricular activity. How to do it?

Horseback riding

Being able to pride myself today on being an excellent rider, I thank my mother for having registered me in an equestrian center and this despite the very unfavorable opinion of my father. At first, it was mainly to overcome my phobia of horses that my mother wanted to introduce me to horse riding. But, it turns out that this activity became a real passion for me later.

If you too, this idea has already crossed your mind, do not hesitate to go and discover the addresses of equestrian centers in Ile de France, to get an idea of ​​this sporting discipline. I particularly recommend horse riding for children, because it is an activity that simply contributes to their education. Indeed, riding a horse instills in children a sense of discipline, develops their concentration and already introduces them to responsibilities, since all riders must take care of their horse. Of course, if the child gets hooked, he will have to be equipped with the basic equipment necessary for the practice of this discipline:a bomb, riding boots and breeches, not forgetting the whip.

Martial arts

Among the sports that are the most chosen by both children and parents, we find martial arts. Nothing surprising if we know that apart from equipping children with self-defense techniques in the event of aggression, these sports disciplines also teach their practitioners confidence and self-control. Yes, but how to navigate among the many disciplines that currently exist, enriched with newly launched martial arts?

In my opinion, the selection of the discipline will be made mainly according to the age of the child. Thus, for four to five year olds, I recommend judo (cf:, since free from kicks and punches, this discipline does not cause trauma to their organism. What is more, it is the martial art most practiced by children in France. Awareness judo lessons are offered in all clubs. Otherwise, it is from the age of eight that children can be registered in a karate or aikido club (see:

Team sports

Is your child a little shy and has a lot of trouble reaching out to others? Handball, basketball, or rugby... There's nothing like playing a team sport for socializing. In any case, a few sessions were enough for my youngest child to come out of her shell and thus adapt more and more to life in society. The choupinette has even made friends very quickly, so much so that on Wednesday afternoons, she has only one thing in mind:going to her hand club.

To conclude, even if you have a very precise idea of ​​your children's sporting activity, let them choose the discipline or disciplines that inspire them the most. Their attendance will only be increased tenfold.