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4 things you shouldn't do after working out

Are you guilty of one of these sports sins?

1. Roll up your yoga mat until the next class
During the yoga class, your mat may have become a little damp. Hang it out after class, so it can air out and dry.

2. Keep your sweaty clothes on
That wet sweaty shirt feels cold on your body when you're in it outside good. Even if you prefer to shower at home after exercising, it is wise to put on something dry.

3. Reward yourself with a piece of pie
You have exercised so well that you deserve a reward. Choose your snacks wisely. You can eat those 250 calories that you just worked out in an hour in a few minutes.

4. Skip the cool-down
No, it's better to do an extra exercise instead of the cool-down. The cool-down is important to get your heart rate back to normal speed. It also ensures that you have less muscle pain the next day.

Read also:the cool-down makes the difference