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Lotte's challenge:hoop a kilometer

Why not combine hooping with running? A new challenge is born! I've decided to go for a run while keeping a hula hoop in motion around my waist. A kilometer long. Could that be possible?

I really enjoy doing hoops. In the past, during the break in the schoolyard, wild hooping with brightly colored (glitter) hoops. And I still occasionally start the day with it. A little less wild, a little less glitter, but some nice music on and before I know it, I've already had a few minutes of exercise.


During the training sessions I give, I also regularly let people hoop. Hoop run, hoop squat or even complete a course with a spinning hoop. going fine! But why not combine hooping with running? A new challenge is born! I've decided to go for a run while keeping a hula hoop in motion around my waist. A kilometer long. Could that be possible?

Also read Lotte's challenge:12 medals in 12 months

Hooping &Running

I carefully plan my route so that I don't rush forward enthusiastically and knock random people off their bikes with my hoop. There is a straight and above all very wide cycle path along the canal near me. Long and spacious enough to form the basis of my new challenge. Still looking for the perfect hoop. These come in all colors, sizes and especially many different weights (and yes, I have all the options in house). I decide to go for the hoop that is the least heavy, to avoid walking around with a black and blue waist the next day. Just a little more practice and then I'll go for it!


Hoop at the ready, nice hit, chairs to the side. Time to practice. Running through the living room in preparation is a challenge in itself. That's why I'm leaving the running part for now. I swing the hoop, carefully take two steps forward and shuffle back again. The hoop keeps moving neatly to the beat of the music. I walk forward and back a few more times. A little faster. *&$#@ Oops. Knocked a glass of water off the table. The practice is immediately ready, but that should not spoil the fun. I'm comfortable with it. I'm ready. Running hoops must be pretty much the same, right?

Ready, set, go!

Then it's time, the day I'm going to make my crazy hoop-run idea come true (or the day I try). I've drummed up my sister to ride with me, to keep track of my distance and to encourage me (what are athletes without supporters?!). I could use all the encouragement.

Together we devise a starting point (at that one pole). Time to prepare mentally, unfold my hoop and get into the starting position. We take this challenge very seriously. There is a countdown (also my sister's task), I swish the hoop and start running. In any case, the start is going quite well.

Also read:Hooping until you become happy

Too light hoop

The trees and bushes along the start of the bike path are now behind me and a vast, open field emerges. It becomes very clear to me that hooping along the canal is not optimal. With every gust of wind I have to move extra exaggeratedly to keep my hoop in check. Nice idea to opt for a light hoop, but a heavier hoop also clearly has its advantages.

After serious acidification in… um, my whole body (oops, need to practice more, it's a bit heavier than expected), I have the idea that I'm already halfway. Half a kilometer isn't that far, is it? Well, if you try to run with a sour body and at the same time avoid blowing your swinging hoop, the distance suddenly seems much further. This is hard work! So just keep going.

A new sport?

Passers-by spontaneously start to encourage me and probably all think I'm an idiot. But hey, I'm an idiot on a mission. I'm going to keep running for these 1000 meters. At a cowardly bumpy pace with extra exaggerated hoop movements, that is.

My sister has now cycled ahead and is standing at the magical post where I can already see my imaginary finish line. YES, this might actually work! Like an idiot I do a hoop sprint (don't let me start with describing what this should have looked like) and I thunder past the relevant pole. The finish! That means I've completed my challenge! I have hooped a kilometer.

Also read Lotte's challenge:Drink 2 liters of water every day

Want to read more from Lotte? Every Sunday she writes a blog on Santé about a new challenge. Also take a look at her Instagram @happy_lotte_