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30 days winterfit challenge:all exercises explained

Have you seen the 30-day winter challenge in Santé? We explain how all exercises work!

30 days winter fit challenge

Day 1 – 25 squats

Put your feet shoulder-width apart. Keep your arms at shoulder height. Slowly lower your legs until your legs are at a 90-degree angle. Your knees remain shoulder-width apart. Now slowly rise again and make sure your whole body is straight again.

Day 2 – 10 burpees

Stand with your legs slightly apart and your belly button tucked in slightly. Then place your hands on the floor in front of you and jump your feet back so that you are in a plank position. Hold for a moment and then jump back to your hands with your feet. Get up again and jump up. Repeat. Keep your core tight and keep the tempo high.

Day 3 – 30 seconds planking

First, lie on your stomach with your elbows under your shoulders and your toes against the floor. Then press your body so that you form as straight a plank as possible. Keep your back and legs as straight as possible and tighten your core.

Day 4 – 10 push ups

First come into a plank position:place your hands on the floor at shoulder height and straighten your arms. Stand on your tiptoes and straighten your legs. Bend your elbows until your chest just barely touches the floor. Then push up again.

Day 5 – 1 kilometer walk

Day 6 – 25 walking lunges

Take a big step:Stand with one foot in front and one foot back. Make sure that the feet and knees point forward. Slowly lower yourself straight down, do not move forwards or backwards. Keep the front knee over your foot. Come up and take another step back.

Day 7 -30 seconds the bridge

Lie on your back with your legs bent and your feet flat on the floor. Make sure your knees are above your ankles. Keep your knees in line with your shoulders and hips. Then move your pelvis up and down and squeeze your buttocks and legs together as hard as possible at the highest point.

Day 8 – 20 donkey kicks

Get on your hands and knees and distribute the weight evenly. Make sure your hands are as wide as your shoulders and your legs are hip-width apart. Tighten your abs well and now lift one of your legs. Keep your knee bent as you do this and extend your foot as far as possible. Hold for a moment at the top, then lower back down and then do the same with your other leg.

Day 9 – 50 high knees

Stand and keep your legs slightly apart. Pull in your stomach, so that you tighten your abdominal muscles and you can also train them immediately. Make sure you keep your back straight during the exercise. Now you jog in place, but you lift your knees as high as possible. Extend your hands in front of you at hip height and try to touch them with your knees. Try to do the exercise as quickly as possible so that your heart rate will really rise. Also try to get as high as possible with your knees.

Day 10 – 2 kilometers of walking

Day 11 – 15 burpees

Stand with your legs slightly apart and your belly button tucked in slightly. Then place your hands on the floor in front of you and jump your feet back so that you are in a plank position. Hold for a moment and then jump back to your hands with your feet. Get up again and jump up. Repeat. Keep your core tight and keep the tempo high.

Day 12 – 15 push ups

First come into a plank position:place your hands on the floor at shoulder height and straighten your arms. Stand on your tiptoes and straighten your legs. Bend your elbows until your chest just barely touches the floor. Then push up again.

Day 13 – 150 jumping jacks

With Jumping Jacks, you jump from a standing position into the straddle stance and move your arms overhead at the same time. Then jump back to the starting position and bring your hands together behind your back. The faster the change between these two positions, the more intensive the exercise

Day 14 – 45 seconds planking

First, lie on your stomach with your elbows under your shoulders and your toes against the floor. Then press your body so that you form as straight a plank as possible. Keep your back and legs as straight as possible and tighten your core.

Day 15 – 50 jump squats

Place your feet together at shoulder width or slightly wider. Bend (slightly) at your knees. Then explosively jump up. Land flat on both feet again and bend your knees to a 90-degree angle. Hold this position for a few seconds and jump up vigorously again.

Day 16 – 30 jump lunges

This is a variation of the lunge, where you perform it jumping. Step forward with your left or right leg, keeping your knee over your ankle. Push yourself up with a jump and land with the other leg in front. Keep your upper body straight.

Day 17 – 45 seconds the bridge

Lie on your back with your legs bent and your feet flat on the floor. Make sure your knees are above your ankles. Keep your knees in line with your shoulders and hips. Then move your pelvis up and down and squeeze your buttocks and legs together as hard as possible at the highest point.

Day 18 – 30 donkey kicks

Get on your hands and knees and distribute the weight evenly. Make sure your hands are as wide as your shoulders and your legs are hip-width apart. Tighten your abs well and now lift one of your legs. Keep your knee bent as you do this and extend your foot as far as possible. Hold for a moment at the top, then lower back down and then do the same with your other leg.

Day 19 – 20 push ups

First come into a plank position:place your hands on the floor at shoulder height and straighten your arms. Stand on your tiptoes and straighten your legs. Bend your elbows until your chest just barely touches the floor. Then push up again.

Day 20 – 3 kilometers walking

Day 21 – 60 seconds planking

First, lie on your stomach with your elbows under your shoulders and your toes against the floor. Then you press your body so that you have the straightest plank . possible forms. Keep your back and legs as straight as possible and tighten your core.

Day 22 – 20 single leg bridges
Lie on your back with your feet flat against the floor and knees bent. Squeeze your buttocks and lift your hips up into a bridge. Let your arms lie on the floor tight at your sides. Lift one leg straight up, hold for a moment, and put it back down. Switch legs. Keep your hips well lifted. Is it too heavy? Then come to the floor with your buttocks in between.

Day 23 – 150x skiing on site

Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Bend your knees deeply until your thighs are horizontal with the floor. Keep your back as straight as possible. In order not to put too much stress on your joints, it is important that the knees and feet remain pointing in the same direction. Also, the knee should not extend past the toes during the bend. Keep your arms stretched out in front of you during the exercise. Come back up and repeat.

Day 24 – 40 walking lunges

Take a big step:Stand with one foot in front and one foot back. Make sure that the feet and knees point forward. Slowly lower yourself straight down, do not move forwards or backwards. Keep the front knee over your foot. Come up and take another step back.

Day 25 – 50 squats

Put your feet shoulder-width apart. Keep your arms at shoulder height. Slowly lower your legs until your legs are at a 90-degree angle. Your knees remain shoulder-width apart. Now slowly rise again and make sure your whole body is straight again.

Day 26 – 20 burpees

Stand with your legs slightly apart and your belly button tucked in slightly. Then place your hands on the floor in front of you and jump your feet back so that you are in a plank position. Hold for a moment and then jump back to your hands with your feet. Get up again and jump up. Repeat. Keep your core tight and keep the tempo high.

Day 27 – 60 seconds the bridge

Lie on your back with your legs bent and your feet flat on the floor. Make sure your knees are above your ankles. Keep your knees in line with your shoulders and hips. Then move your pelvis up and down and squeeze your buttocks and legs together as hard as possible at the highest point.

Day 28 – 100 high knees

Stand and keep your legs slightly apart. Pull in your stomach, so that you tighten your abdominal muscles and you can also train them immediately. Make sure you keep your back straight during the exercise. Now you jog in place, but you lift your knees as high as possible. Extend your hands in front of you at hip height and try to touch them with your knees. Try to do the exercise as quickly as possible so that your heart rate will really rise. Also try to get as high as possible with your knees.

Day 29 – 25 push ups

First come into a plank position:place your hands on the floor at shoulder height and straighten your arms. Stand on your tiptoes and straighten your legs. Bend your elbows until your chest just barely touches the floor. Then push up again.

Day 30 – 75 seconds of planks

First, lie on your stomach with your elbows under your shoulders and your toes against the floor. Then you press your body so that you are as straight as possible  plank forms. Keep your back and legs as straight as possible and tighten your core.

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