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Help! My heart is beating too fast...

All different.

In principle, heartbeats are between 60 and 90 beats per minute, but it is quite possible to have a heart that beats more or less quickly, without this being worrying. It is when you feel a (significant) change in the frequency of your beats that you should consult your doctor.

Signs that warn us.

Certain symptoms should push us to consult:when we feel tired or dizzy, when we feel a feeling of weakness, when we are short of breath or when we have sweats, we must act without delay.

Sport, good or bad?

He will always advise us to take up exercise – at least half an hour of brisk walking, taking it easy – because physical activity has been proven to lower the heart rate. Even if it will take several months of training before concrete results are felt.

And also.

When we are freaking out and stressed, we can simply have a tachycardia attack, that is to say an acceleration of the heart rate. Here too, sport can help relieve stress. Homeopathy also works:3 granules of Aconite 9 CH under the tongue in case of an anxiety attack.

Thanks to Pascale Joubert, cardiologist and homeopath.