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Fitness:how to determine my ideal weight?

Calculate your ideal weight according to different factors

Determining an ideal weight can be a good option before starting a diet. It is very relative and depends on a lot of data. It should also be known that an ideal weight differs depending on the point of view. Based on notions of health or aesthetics, this weight will necessarily be different. Different calculation formulas have been developed based on different factors. They only concern people aged 18 to 65 who are not athletes. As for women, they must not be pregnant. The first is the Lorentz formula according to sex. It is therefore only based on gender and height. It is little used because it is too light to offer a good calculation. The Creff formula is based on body type and age. Inevitably, the weight is likely to change between 25 and 55 years. The morphology of the person is also essential because it is decisive. The last formula is that of Monnerot-Dumaine which takes into account the framework. You must fill in your size but also the circumference of your wrist.

Calculate your body mass index

In addition to calculating your ideal weight, it can be very interesting to calculate your body mass index (BMI) during a fitness program. For that, it's very simple. Simply divide weight by height squared. Depending on the result, this index validated by the World Health Organization lets you know if your build is normal, if you are overweight, obese or excessively thin. New indices have been developed such as the adipose mass index (IMA) based on the measurement of hip circumference and waist. There is also the fat mass index (BMI) and the waist-hip ratio (WHR). It allows you to know if excess fat is dangerous for your health.

Tips for maintaining your ideal weight

To maintain a healthy weight, it is important to follow a few diet rules and to exercise regularly. For sports activities, the ideal is to alternate cardio-training sessions (running, cycling, elliptical trainer, swimming) and weight training. To be effective, it is important to schedule two to three sessions per week lasting a minimum of 45 minutes. Dietary balance is based on principles that should be applied. To eat healthy and balanced, you must eat fruits and vegetables every day, at least one dairy product, proteins, starches and a little (good) fat. Do not hesitate to cook and avoid eating ready-made dishes. Water is also essential being the main constituent of the body. It is strongly recommended to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. Avoid sugary drinks (sodas, fruit juice, syrup) and alcohol! The last piece of advice is to ban unwanted snacking.