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Pregnancy:junk food would lead to hyperactivity in the child

During pregnancy, pregnant women's cravings are often felt, and it's not always strawberries! Burgers, pizza, cakes, sweets… each woman has her own desires and more or less lets herself go, telling herself that after all, she is eating for two. Although we know that this statement is false, British researchers have gone even further by demonstrating the link between the consumption of junk food during pregnancy and the hyperactivity of the unborn child, in a study published in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry .

Junk food would have an impact on genes

To reach these conclusions, the scientists looked at two groups of children (164 in total):the first made up of children with Attention Deficit or Hyperactivity Disorders (ADHD), the second with children said to be "without history". They compared the diet of their mothers during pregnancy. Verdict:the children of women who consumed a lot of fatty, sugary and processed products had ADHD. More specifically, a diet that is too sweet or too fatty would disrupt the expression of the IGF2 gene, involved in the fetal development of certain areas of the brain, in particular those associated with hyperactivity.

With this study, the researchers wish to underline the importance of a balanced diet during pregnancy for the mental health of the child. They now want to look into the impact of certain fats on the development of children's brains, in particular the famous omega-3s. To be continued, therefore.