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Why hula hooping is fun? Hula hoop fan Eef explains

Eef de Nooijer (38) loves hula hoops! “Since I started hula hooping, my back no longer hurts. But what's also great:that annoying belly roll is gone!"

Her physical therapist advised her to start hula hooping because of her back pain. “Hula hooping?” she thought? As a child she couldn't do anything about it, but how difficult could it be?

“Well, that was a bit distasteful! But I am a go-getter. After three weeks of practice I had mastered it and now I really enjoy doing it!”

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Complaints disappeared

“Since I started hula hooping, my back pain has disappeared. That's because you're strengthening your core. In addition, another complaint has disappeared:that irritating belly roll that bothers so many ladies.”

Go hula hoops too

“I really enjoy doing hula hoops. It's great to think about nothing for a while and just go. You can do it whenever you want:one time dancing through the living room with some nice music, the next while watching your favorite Netflix series, or when the weather is nice in the garden with a friend.”

Build up slowly

“With hula hoops you train your core, your back and your abs. When you start training, build it up slowly. Start with 5 minutes a day and gradually build up to 3 sessions a week of 25 minutes in the following weeks.

There are different types of hula hoops available. They differ in weight and you have hard and soft variants. Eef prefers to train with a soft hula hoop of 1.8 kilos. “As a result, I suffer less from bruising! In addition, it has been researched that 1.8 kg is the right weight to start with, but also to be able to continue training."

More about Eef

Eef works in daily life in care for the disabled and she is also the founder of Project Postmaat, with which she fights against loneliness by sending mail. With this project she is also committed to sick children and other people who can use a helping hand through mail. Visit for more information.

And do you have any questions about hula hoops and how best to train? Then take a look at her Instagram account:eef_bodyhoop.

Image:own image Eef