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With these 4 exercises you quickly burn 100 calories in 10 minutes

Burn calories fast? Which can. With these 4 exercises you burn 100 calories in 10 minutes. Nice to take a break at home or in your garden!

40x jumping jack

Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart and let your arms hang loosely at your sides. Now swing your arms out over your head in a controlled manner and at the same time jump with your legs wide (knees slightly out). From that position, your arms return to your sides and you jump back to shoulder width. Repeat 40 times.

30x crunch

Lie on a mat and stretch your legs toward the ceiling. Keep your arms straight in front of you, your chin off your chest and your neck straight (starting position). Now, as you exhale, roll up by contracting your abs so that your shoulder blades are off the floor. You reach for your toes or shins, just how high you can get. Then, as you inhale, lower yourself back in a controlled manner. Repeat 30 times.

20x squat

Stand with your feet straight forward at shoulder width. Tilt your pelvis so that you get a hollow back. Now sink down gently; make sure your knees don't extend past your toes and that your torso is straight. Look straight ahead and extend your arms forward. Then push your body back up from your heels. Repeat 20 times.

10x push-up

Get on your knees with your hands shoulder-width apart. Straighten your knees so that you stand on your toes. Keep your body in a straight line (high plank). Now slowly lower yourself through your arms to just above the floor, but do not touch the floor. Only move your arms, keep your body strong and still. Then slowly and controlled push back up until you get to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.