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From walking to HIIT and Strength:the centimeters are flying off!

In our previous blog 'Do you move or do you train' we wrote something about exercise versus training. Movement is extremely important. However, training (crossing a boundary) and muscle building is essential for vital ageing. In addition, exercising alone will not give you beautiful shapes in your body, but training in the right way will. Aryenne de Jong of the book Slim(er) met de Lijnclub, who was 60 kilos heavier a few years ago, has also discovered this in recent weeks. Due to the coronavirus, she started training completely differently with Studio C Online. Read her story here. We also have a present for you.

“I am Aryenne de Jong (40). In the past few years I lost 60 kilos. Together with Heske van Diermen, who lost 45 kilos, I wrote the book Slank(er) met de Lijnclub † You can read how we did that in this book. It is mainly about eating normal and healthy food and – step by step – getting more exercise.

We started with an hour of walking every day. That later became weekly running. It ended up in the gym. Even though we said we would never go to the gym again. This time it was different. At Studio C gym there is a community. A combination of sports, relaxation and good coffee or tea after class. It is much more than sports. Small group training suits me well. In the beginning it took some getting used to. I was always at the back of the room during the training sessions. However, here too I found out that you can be there, just as you are. Whether you have size 36 or 44.”

Read also: ‘Do you exercise or train?‘

More interval training and strength training

“The last twelve weeks I have started training differently. The physical gym of Studio C had to close due to the corona virus. Fortunately, there is also Studio C Online. All video work-out recordings were done by Christina in her sports studio, where I also have my nutrition practice. That's why I started working out with Christina behind the camera. Before the coronavirus, I mainly followed the spinning training sessions. Now I had no choice and so I joined HIIT, Strength, Core, Fire (mix of HIIT and strength). So more interval training and strength training than I had ever done before.”

The right setting:maximum weight and no more smuggling

“In addition, my attitude changed. Options are always given during the lessons. If you can't do something, there is always an easy option. They call it scaling. I always chose the easy exercise. But at some point you have to be honest. Are you still making progress? So no. The helm changed, more weights and no more smuggling with reps. 20 reps is just 20 reps. Christina's motivation certainly helped with that.”

Short inches and get stronger

“Now I really notice it in my body. The centimeters decrease. That is much more important than the scale. That is because it does not always follow the centimeters. I'm getting stronger. In terms of lifting weights, jumping higher and mainly in terms of endurance. It is now possible to fully participate in a lesson. And more importantly, I'm even looking forward to the next lesson! Who would have thought?”

Gold tip

“What is my golden tip? Find an (online) gym that suits you. Where you feel safe and seen, even when you have just arrived. Where you are challenged to go that little bit further. Try it. Is it nothing? Then look further, there is plenty of choice. Don't give up. There is a place for everyone. Ultimately, training makes you a happier person. Keep that in mind. And the fact that what you see in the mirror also makes you happy is the icing on the cake!"

Gift for Santé readers

Studio C Online offers a wide variety of workouts:HIIT, Barre, Strength, Fire, Sculpt, Core, Stretch and Relax and a completely new workout will follow shortly. This means there is always a training that suits you. You also have the opportunity to step out of that comfort zone. Choose a training that you find difficult or that you are not used to, but that ultimately gives you the result you are looking for. Just like with Aryenne.

Many women find strength training difficult. To challenge you to do it anyway, we have a present for you:a Studio Strength training. The bench workout. So you don't need anything other than your bank. It is a workout with your own body weight. Doable for every level. Are you in?

Who is behind Studio C Online?

Christina and Heidy are founders of the online workout platform Studio C Online.

As working moms, they know how busy life can be. With Studio C Online they therefore want to make it easier to plan sports in your life, because you can do it from home.

They offer great workouts full of variety and energy. Christina is a born entertainer. Her energy bursts through the screen. We often hear:“Christina's enthusiasm makes a workout over in no time”. “It's like Christina is in my living room.”

In this way they hope to motivate women again and again to KEEP training. This is so important. Not only for your physical health, but also for how you feel mentally.