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Eating fat harms our memory

We know that eating fat is not (very) good for our health. A new study – conducted by scientists at the University of California and published in the journal Plos One – shows that high-fat food has adverse effects on memory. One more thing to add to the long list of "why eating too much fat" is wrong .

To arrive at this discovery, 649 men were asked to provide their dietary habits. The researchers made them read about a hundred words written on cards. Another set of words was then shown to the guinea pigs; they had to indicate those that had already appeared. Result:participants with excessively fatty nutritional habits obtained worse results than those who adopted a more balanced diet. CQFD.

You are probably wondering "whose fault is it?" » . The culprits are trans fatty acids, present in large quantities in cookies or our favorite fast food dishes. These unsaturated fatty acids of industrial origin would slow down the production of Omega 3, essential to the functioning of the brain and known to promote memory capacities. To remedy this, the United States has permanently banned these trans fatty acids in the food industry. Manufacturers have until 2018 to change their manufacturing processes.

In France, only recommendations have been established. While waiting for a possible ban, we give you three tips for eating less fat:

1/ Everything is good in moderation. Meats and cheeses should be consumed in moderation. At the restaurant, if you have a salad, ask for the seasoning separately so you can measure it yourself, and reduce the portion of fries (without necessarily banishing them, so as not to experience frustration).

2/ Prefer lean meats and fish. Opt for veal, chicken or poultry, beef for braising, rabbit... Fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, sardines should be limited, in favor of cod, pollack, whiting.

3/ Lighten your recipes. Butter can be replaced with light or margarine. In a cold sauce, plain yogurt will be perfect. Cook spicy to add flavor without weighing it down. Favor certain cooking methods such as steam, oven, wok, which require little or no added fat.