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Period symptoms are even worse in winter

If the period is a bad time for you (well, we agree, it's not fun for anyone…) and you had the unpleasant feeling that it was worse in winter, we confirm it to you :it's worse than the rest of the year! An irrepressible craving for chocolate (it's because of the hormones!), morale in the socks, you feel bloated... Well, it would all be a question of light! Or more precisely, the lack of light in winter. This is confirmed by Dr. Daniel Preethi (director of the Doctors Clinic in London) at the Metro UK site. .

Eat more and move less, the ma

bad combo

"The days are shorter, which can affect mood, and with the hormonal upheaval associated with periods, everything can feel even darker," he explains. Because who says lack of light says lack of vitamin D, which we know boosts the release of dopamine, the hormone of well-being. That's not all:in winter, we spend more time indoors and generally, we move a little less and we eat more, which also plays on the feeling of pre-menstrual symptoms:it has been recognized that active women suffered less than those who move little. Finally, in winter, the length of the cycles varies significantly:they are on average 0.9 days longer. Youpiiii… This also means that ovulation is less frequent and that it would theoretically be more complicated to get pregnant at this time. Dr. Preethi advises putting the odds in your favor by staying warm and exercising regularly, so as not to disturb our hormones.

Come on, be brave, winter will be over in less than 2 months!