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Why you absolutely must test Green Condom condoms?

A scary observation:the ingredients that make up condoms are often unknown to the consumer.

This is the sad conclusion reached by Gabrielle, founder of the brand. This chemical engineer has a long-standing interest in natural and environmentally friendly consumer products. After washable diapers for babies, cups for women, Gabrielle launches into the marketing of vegan, gluten-free condoms whose composition is clearly indicated. Why ? Because she realized that the condom industry holds many secrets. Indeed, the components of condoms are not disclosed and there is little information. It is therefore difficult to know what is really there, especially when you know that a series of ingredients such as parabens and endocrine disruptors can be used in the latex transformation process.

Green Condom, the choice of transparency

Many of you must have already experienced these small inconveniences and discomforts sometimes linked to the use of condoms. Itching, allergies, burning, and even sometimes pain, the condom experience is not always pleasant for women. Green Condom therefore offers an alternative that caught our attention.

A minimum of allergenic compounds, no endocrine disruptors, no gluten or ingredients of animal origin, here is the bet (successful!) of Green Condom. You can (and should) know each ingredient that is in the condoms used and that's good, because Green Condom provides an accurate and detailed list of all the components used.

Finally a solution for those intolerant to gluten!

While some traditional condom brands use a powder that contains gluten in the condom manufacturing process, Green Condom has replaced this powder with hydrated silica which has the merit of being neutral. There is therefore no risk of suffering from the harmful effects of gluten. An ideal solution for all those intolerant to gluten who now make sure not to rub it anymore.

Condoms you can use with confidence

Green Condom condoms are as reliable and safe as the condoms of the big brands available on the European market, because they comply with all the standards in force and the certifications of this highly regulated market. No stress or doubt, safety standards are all meticulously followed, so you can let yourself go...

What's more, you will be surprised by the sensations provided. Indeed, both women and men have been conquered by the brilliant sensations and much more pleasant than the usual condoms. “These condoms are very comfortable for both partners and there is no breakage problem,” explains Adele after trying Green Condoms. In addition, they do not contain casein so have a fairly neutral smell, which is particularly appreciated by sensitive sense of smell, an additional reason to test them!

You can therefore go to the brand's website and order a box of 3, 10, and even 100 Green Condoms without delay. Green Condom condoms are medium in size (53 mm wide), you will also find smaller (49 mm) and larger (56 mm and 60 mm) Glyde condoms on the site.

Good plan:Follow the Green Condom brand because it is about to launch the “Dick Tailor” site which will teach men how to measure the size of their penis and finally be able to choose the right size condom. That's good news!