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From snooze button to sneakers in 3 steps

Do you normally hit the snooze button a few times in the morning, while you still intended to exercise? With these 3 steps you will get there next time.

1. Pack your gym bag the night before, or have your running shoes ready right next to your bed. If you still have to collect your things in the morning, there is a greater chance that you don't feel like it.

2. Go to bed on time. Needless to say, after a five-hour night, it's a lot harder to exercise in the morning.

3. Then comes the only moment that really matters:your alarm clock goes off. Don't hesitate, turn off the alarm and throw your legs over the edge of the bed. Let's do this!

Not convinced yet? Also read:
> Tips for exercising in the morning
> 4 reasons to exercise in the morning
> This is how you do your workout in the morning
