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Esmir does a ragefulness class

Mindfulness move over, blasting pent-up emotions off you, is just as healthy. Then at the gym. Esmir tests ragefulness:she fights off all anger to rock-hard techno. But does that relieve it or not?

I am not a star at expressing anger. I don't throw out my frustrations by yelling and cursing. I prefer to do that in a 'Walt Disney way':I say it in a lovely tone. That works better for me than hitting the table with my fist, because then I close. Yet research from the University of Colorado shows that it is healthy to do just that every now and then, mind you:at a time of your choosing. Because of restrained irritations your fuse gets shorter and shorter, so that you can suddenly react more fiercely than you would like. You prevent such an outburst of anger by venting emotions prematurely. For example against a punching bag, because you don't hurt anyone with it and you don't have to feel guilty afterwards. At my gym I see a brochure about a pop-up class ragefulness. My curiosity has been aroused. Who knows, this might really be something for me:not only dealing with calories during exercise, but also with frustrations. So that I am completely zen after my workout. I'm in!

Watch Esmir's vlog below or read her entire article about ragefulness in the June issue of Santé.

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