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Jogging:zoom on the Galloway method, the running technique that burns fat by considerably reducing effort!

First of all, there is this truth known to all those who have ever put on sneakers to go running. It's hard ! Barely the first meters done that already point the difficulties including that of finding your rhythm; that of cruising which allows to chain the kilometers without cursing internally and finally praising the hedonistic way of life of Churchill:"Scotch, cigars and no sport ". Well, even if it obviously worked for him since the "old lion" died at the age of 90, we know that nothing beats the feeling of well-being that floods us after the effort in the shower.

Jogging:no more guilt with the Galloway method!

Also, with this in mind that the comfort is even denser, we present this running method intended for all those who finally go running only after a side stitch, this famous signal which indicates that our body is under too much pressure. Her name ? The Galloway Method! Invented by Jeff Galloway, a mythical character in American running,this method simply consists of alternating between walking and running when jogging , this at our beginner level allowing us to adapt our body to the effort.

Wow what good news! We don't tell you. Indeed, no more guilt with this technique, which therefore allows beginner runners who are overweight (or not) to start running without the pressure of performance. A method also suitable for runners who have injured themselves and want to gradually return to running.

Jogging:concretely the Galloway method, what does it say!?

So if you are new to running, this running technique - called across the Atlantic "Run-Walk-Run" - can be applied very gently :walk for five minutes, run for two minutes, then walk for five minutes again. You can modify these times once you have obtained a better rhythm, for example:walk 3 minutes, run 5 minutes, then walk 5 minutes again. After which, once you are comfortable you will adapt this ratio of running time and walking time to your liking. . The important thing is to limit the stress of the race.

Galloway method:perfect for burning fat without the risk of hurting yourself

So by making this Galloway method your own, you will be able to train longer with each session and thus increase your "maximum aerobic speed" or roughly the speed at which you reach your maximum oxygen consumption; with the happy consequence of calories that will burn even more. In addition, the walk break will help prevent micro-traumas caused by prolonged runs.

Philosophically, Jeff Galloway - who at the height of his 75 years continues to chain marathons - has always believed that we were all made to run and walk, so his method aims to bring more people into the positive world of exercise. Rest assured, we already have our sneakers on!