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Parachute jumping in Lyon and the Rhône-Alpes region

The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region has a very interesting relief, between hilly and mountainous landscapes. This is the perfect opportunity to embark on an incredible experience , that of the parachute jump! This thrilling activity offers a cocktail of emotions in the air . Near Lyon in the Rhône, you take to the skies for a memorable high-altitude trip.

To learn about skydiving, you need to understand a little about its mechanics of action. Beginners who wish to jump from the clouds begin their activity with a theoretical briefing on the ground.

As a novice, you are not on your own! Professionals help you equip yourself, because jumping at 3000 or 4000 meters above sea level is not insignificant. With goggles, a suit and a suitable harness, you are then released after the ascent of the plane.

And it's an adrenaline rush! For several seconds, you experience a free fall in the sky of Rhône-Alpes, over a distance of more than 1000 meters. The instructor in tandem with you then takes care of guiding the parachute, when the opening is made. The speed has reduced, it's time to admire the panoramic landscape around you.

Gradually, you get closer to the ground. The monitor lands you on the "drop zone". You will be able to come back to your senses once your feet are on the ground. What an aerial adventure in Lyon !

  • Book your jump in Lyon

Where to skydive in Rhône-Alpes?

The advantage of the Rhône-Alpes region is the exceptional panorama obtained from the heights:snowy peaks, the city of Lyon seen from the sky , with its famous districts such as Croix-Rousse or Fourvière, the Rhône which flows to the Camargue … The magic of the landscapes observed is added to the unique sensations felt in the air.

To get on the plane that transports you to the clouds, you can choose several aerodromes around Lyon . They are the starting point to take you into the sky. If you push a little further, you can also go towards the massifs, or further north towards Bourgogne-Franche-Comté.

In the Rhône and as far as Savoy , you can decide to parachute. The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region is vast, so start your discovery at altitude now!

Not only are you safe during your parachute jump, but there is also the bonus of this thrilling activity:a magical 360° view. Without venturing up to Mont Blanc, you can be at the top of the fun once on the heights. Finally, we can get high in tandem, almost everywhere near Lyon!