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These are 4 possible causes of neck pain during your strength training

When you train with weights, it can happen that you put too much tension on certain muscle groups. Neck pain is a common complaint during strength training and that is of course very annoying. That is why we have listed 4 possible causes of neck pain for you, so that you can prevent them.

1. You shrug your shoulders too much

It is important to perform your exercises with good posture, especially if you want to prevent neck complaints. If you pull your shoulders up too much towards your ears, you can put unnecessary tension on your neck. This can lead to a stiff and painful neck.

Read also :'These are the 7 benefits of strength training'

This is how you solve it: Lower your shoulder blades so that your arms can perform the exercise without putting strain on your neck and upper back muscles.

2. You hold your head too far forward

Do you (unconsciously) push your chin forward when you lift a weight above your head? That can cause you to suffer from neck pain after your workout. When doing strength training, always make sure to keep your head and neck in line with the rest of your body. If you start lifting weights that are too heavy for you, your head may come forward to make up for the lack of strength in your shoulders or core.

This is how you solve it: Try to do your exercises in front of a mirror and focus on your posture. Make sure to keep your arms in line with your ears. This allows you to keep your neck, head and shoulders in the correct position without putting your neck under tension.

3. You are looking the wrong way

What you look at plays a big role in the neck pain you may experience after your workout. When you look down you lift your head down and when you look up you lift your head up. When you're doing tilt exercises like deadlifts, a lot of people keep looking in the mirror to see if they're doing it right. But that can cause you to overextend your neck. If you exercise next to a mirror, you may turn your neck to see what you're doing.

This is how you solve it: Try to keep your neck in a neutral position. Do not turn your neck to look in the mirror, but do your exercises so that you can look straight into the mirror. Do you do exercises that lower your torso? Then avoid constantly looking in the mirror.

4. You have no balance in your exercises

If you want to prevent injuries and pain, it is important to plan your workouts strategically. If you do a certain movement too much without doing a balance exercise, you can suffer from a muscle imbalance, which puts your muscles under extra tension.

This is how you solve it: When planning your workouts, be sure to strike a good balance between pushing and pulling movements, as well as vertical and horizontal variations. If you train one muscle group first, then try to target another muscle group next time. This way you distribute the load evenly.