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5 reasons to exercise today

Boxing Day, no reason not to exercise.

1. When your gym is open, it will be quiet
Think of the peace and space that will be there. Quite a difference from how things will be from January.

2. Gym closed? No excuse
Running, yoga, skipping ropes… These are all workouts you can do at home. For example, download one of the fitness apps and you can just pop.

3. Think of the satisfaction afterwards
You may feel more like watching a Christmas movie on Netflix with yesterday's leftovers on the couch, but think about the feeling you'll have after you exercise.

4. New Year's resolutions are not just for January 1
If you start now, you will be a little bit ahead of those who don't start until January 1.

5. Just react
The stress of buying last minute Christmas gifts, the annoying relatives you had to deal with, the too much food. Don't have any Christmas plans today? See it as a victory and take advantage of it by doing something good for your body:exercise.