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A good attitude

With the right posture you can prevent or reduce many back, neck and shoulder complaints. There are a number of things to keep in mind.

Relaxed shoulders You assume good posture by letting your shoulders hang relaxed and not sticking your head forward too much. Many people automatically sit with their shoulders up. This actually costs more energy because you pull up your muscles, so that you get muscle pain more quickly in your shoulders and in your back.

When standing tall, be careful not to overextend your knees (this happens when you stand completely straight). This way you lock your knees and therefore also your back. This way you hang in your joints and that can cause back pain. Leave your knees slightly bent so that your pelvis and back can move freely.

It is impossible to sit up all day, but try to do so. A good chair helps you to sit as straight as possible and gives your back and shoulders support. As a result, your muscles do not cramp and you are less likely to suffer from back pain or stiff shoulders.