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Exercise against migraine

Good news for sports enthusiasts! A study from the University of Gothenburg found that exercise works just as well to prevent migraines as medication.

In the study, 92 people who suffered from recurring migraines divided into three groups. All groups received a treatment designed to reduce the migraine attacks. One group exercised three times a week for 40 minutes supervised by a physiotherapist, the other group received relaxation exercises and the third group was prescribed the drug topiramate.

Topiramate is a drug prescribed to suppress epileptic seizures. It influences stimuli in the brain allowing neurologists to also choose to prescribe it if medicine for migraine † As often with medicines, it does not work in everyone without side effects.

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Good news: the research has shown that the number of migraine attacks has decreased in all three groups † No difference was found between the preventive effect of the three treatments. So a good alternative!