Whether you opt for AstraZeneca, Pfizer, or Moderna, you immediately feel more protected once vaccinated . In the midst of current events, it is important to remember that the vaccine remains a challenge for our immune system . As good for our health as the vaccine is, it often comes with some side effects. Headache, fever, chills or nausea , may appear a few hours after receiving the dose. But don't panic, just have a good diet and you're done. Although we have small cravings, certain foods should be avoided in the first days following vaccination.
Our bodies need more fluid than ever before. Be careful, orange juice and gin and tonic are not the kind of liquids that the experts refer to. We are talking more about water and unsweetened teas , which will keep us well hydrated. If the Covid vaccine didn't spare you, yogurt and kefir might just help you get back on track. Rich in lactobacilli such as Lactobacillus rhamnosus, they help our body regain its full strength. The impact of these ingredients has been proven by numerous studies, and are therefore not to be overlooked!